Puffy Nipples After Gynecomastia Surgery!

Many men complain about puffy nipples after healing from gynecomastia surgery. Liposuction is great for fat removal but will not remove the gland effectively.
Gynecomastia Revision Surgery
Dr. Miguel Delgado, M.D.’s gynecomastia practice consists of about 40% revision cases after surgery performed by another surgeon. Removing the correct amount of tissue and fat from the male breast takes the expertise of a board certified plastic surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia. Many surgeons are very conservative in their removal of tissue to avoid creating a crater deformity. However, when too much gland is left behind, it will push the areola out causing “puffy nipples.”
Gynecomastia patients that have had male breast reduction surgery and end up with puffy nipples are understandably discouraged because their only recourse is a secondary surgery to remove additional breast gland. This revision surgery is a little more complicated due to scar tissue that has formed from the initial surgery.
Choose Your Surgeon Carefully
It is important to choose your surgeon carefully. First, make sure that he or she is board certified in plastic surgery. Secondly, make sure your surgeon has extensive experience with gynecomastia surgery, taking the right amount of fat and tissue is critical to get the precise sculpting for the chest. If too much is removed a crater deformity will be the result, if not enough gland is removed, you will end up with puffy nipples. In both cases additional surgery will be required for correction, it is much better to get it right the first time.
Help is on the Way!
Call now (415) 898-4161 for a consultation with Dr. Delgado if you are suffering from male breasts or are in need of gynecomastia revision.